Kasie Brennt, Olivia Stern, Zack Horst
Songs in this video:

There was a moment when the lights went out
When death had claimed its victory
The King of Love had given up His life
The darkest day in history
There on a cross they made for sinners
For every curse His blood atoned
One final breath and it was finished
But not the end we could have known
For the earth began to shake
And the veil was torn
What sacrifice was made
As the heavens roared
All hail King Jesus
All hail the Lord of Heaven and earth
All hail King Jesus
All hail the Savior of the world
There was a moment when the sky lit up
A flash of light breaking through
When all was lost He crossed eternity
The King of life was on the move
For in a dark, cold tomb
Where our Lord was laid
One miraculous breath
And we’re forever changed
Let every knee, come bow before the King of Kings
Let every tongue, confess that He is Lord
Lift up your shout, let us join with all of Heaven
Singing Holy, Singing Holy
Cry out Holy, Cry out Holy

Our atmosphere
Bowing in reverence
You’re in our midst
We cannot ignore it
We hear Your steps
We feel Your Kingdom
Jesus, You’re taking over
Treasures and crowns
Down at Your feet
Honor and fame
Only belong to You
You are before
Grasping it all together
One, just One, just One found worthy
One, just One, just One
Holy is the Lord on high
Your glory fills the temple
Holy is the Lord on high
Holy is the Lord on high
We join in with the elders
Holy is the Lord on high
Unto the Lamb
Beaten and bruised
Killed for our sin
You were the sacrifice
Raised from the dead
Breathing again
Our Jewish King
Seated in majesty
One, just One, just One found worthy
One, just One, just One
One, just One, just One found worthy
One, just One, just One
Holy is the Lord on high
Your glory fills the temple
Holy is the Lord on high
Holy is the Lord on high
We join in with the elders
Holy is the Lord on high
Holy is the Lord
Holy is the Lord on high
Your glory fills the temple
Holy is the Lord on high
Holy is the Lord on high
We join in with the elders
Holy is the Lord on high
Lifted up
You’re lifted up high
High, high, high
All the earth is Your footstool, Lord
Lifted up
So much higher
So much higher, yes
Unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
And unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns forever
Glory to God in the highest
We praise You
Unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns forever
Glory to God in the highest
We praise You
Unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns forever
Glory to God in the highest
We praise You
Unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns forever
Glory to God in the highest
We praise You
We praise You, Lord of lords
We praise You, King of kings over everything
We praise You
Holy is the Lord on high
Your glory fills the temple
Holy is the Lord on high
Holy is the Lord on high
We join in with the elders
Holy is the Lord on high
Unto the Lamb
And unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns forever
Glory to God in the highest
We praise You
Unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns forever
Glory to God in the highest
We praise You
Unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns forever
Glory to God in the highest
We praise You
Unto the Lamb, unto the Lamb
This beautiful Man who reigns…

The wages of my sin was death
You knew I couldn’t pay the debt
You paid it with your final breath
You took the wrath that I deserved
Your holy blood broke every curse
Your mercy had the final word
We sing Christ and Christ crucified
In You we’re raised from death to life
We sing Christ and Christ crucified
No sin is bigger than Your blood
No shame is stronger than Your love
You said it’s finished, it is done
Death couldn’t keep You in the ground
You rose in power and took hell down
That power’s living in us now
Death couldn’t hold You down
Hell couldn’t steal Your crown
Therе’s resurrection power
In Your Namе
In Your Name
Let all the earth cry out
Lift up a holy sound
Give all the glory now
To Jesus Name
Jesus Name

You were the Word at the beginning
One with God the Lord Most High
Your hidden glory in creation
Now revealed in You our Christ
What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
You didn’t want heaven without us
So Jesus You brought heaven down
My sin was great Your love was greater
What could separate us now?
What a wonderful Name it is
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
What a wonderful Name it is
The Name of Jesus
Death could not hold You
The veil tore before You
You silenced the boast of sin and grave
The heavens are roaring
The praise of Your glory
For You are raised to life again…
You have no rival
You have no equal
Now and forever God You reign
Yours is the Kingdom
Yours is the glory
Yours is the Name above all names

Worthy of every song we could ever sing
Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring
Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
We live for You, oh, we live for You
Jesus, the Name above every other name
Jesus, the only One who could ever save
Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
We live for You, we live for You
Holy, there is no one like You, there is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder and
Show me who You are and fill me with Your heart
And lead me in Your love to those around me
Jesus, the name above every other name
Jesus, the only One who could ever save
You’re worthy of every breath we could ever breathe
We live for You, oh, we live for You
Holy, there is no one like You, there is none beside You
Open up my eyes in wonder and
Show me who You are and fill me with Your heart
And lead me in Your love to those around me
And I will build my life upon Your love, it is a firm foundation
And I will put my trust in You alone and I will not be shaken

Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
And here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you’re my God
You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly you came to the earth you created
All for love’s sake became poor
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you’re my God
You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
I’ll never know
How much it cost
To see my sin
Upon that cross
I’ll never know
How much it cost
To see my sin
Upon that cross
I’ll never know
How much it cost
To see my sin
Upon that cross
I’ll never know
How much it cost
To see my sin
Upon that cross
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that you’re my God
You’re altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

And this is what it looks like
This is what it looks like
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
This is what it looks like
This is what it looks like
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
I’ve been bought by the precious blood
Into a covenant
It didn’t start with me
I’m part of a greater story
Filled with the Holy Ghost
The same One who resurrеcted Jesus
The living Son
Now I am His
Oh, this is what it looks like
This is what it looks like
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
Oh, this is what it looks like
This is what it looks like
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
For the Lamb is
Worthy of all honor
Glory and power
This is His reward
That every nation
Tongue, tribe, and people
Will lift their voice and say that
“Jesus is Lord”
‘Cause this is what it looks like
This is what it looks like
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
Oh, this is what it looks like (This is what it looks like)
This is what it looks like (This is what it looks like)
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
And this is what it looks like
This is what it looks like
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
This is what it looks like
This is what it looks like
When the redeemed of the Lord say so
So lift up your head, take up your cross
We follow our King no matter the cost
And we lay down our lives, count it as lost
We are the wild ones, the wild ones