I’ve Tasted and I’ve Seen | All Hail King Jesus

Ft. Caleb Bachtel, Olivia Stern

Artists & Speakers:

Caleb Bachtel
Worship Leader
Olivia Stern
Worship Leader

Songs in this video:

I've Tasted and I've Seen

I really love I really love You Lord
I really love I really love You Lord
Nobody else will I ever adore
Nobody else will I ever want more

Because I’ve tasted and I’ve seen
And You are better than my wildest dreams
From now on til eternity
Well I’m not ever going back

You are lovely and radiant
You are most beutiful and excellent
Now that I’ve found the One I love
Oh I’m not ever going back

I love You God
I love You God

I love You Lord
With every single part of my heart mind and soul

The world has lost its taste
It is bland in every thinkable way
And now it’s only fair to say
that I’m not ever going back

Now nobody can compare
among ten thousand You are the most fair
now that I’ve found the One I love
Oh I’m not ever going back

All Hail King Jesus
Jeremy Riddle

There was a moment when the lights went out
When death had claimed its victory
The King of Love had given up His life
The darkest day in history

There on a cross they made for sinners
For every curse His blood atoned
One final breath and it was finished
But not the end we could have known

For the earth began to shake
And the veil was torn
What sacrifice was made
As the heavens roared

All hail King Jesus
All hail the Lord of Heaven and earth
All hail King Jesus
All hail the Savior of the world

There was a moment when the sky lit up
A flash of light breaking through
When all was lost He crossed eternity
The King of life was on the move

For in a dark, cold tomb
Where our Lord was laid
One miraculous breath
And we’re forever changed

Let every knee, come bow before the King of Kings
Let every tongue, confess that He is Lord
Lift up your shout, let us join with all of Heaven
Singing Holy, Singing Holy
Cry out Holy, Cry out Holy

Only God
Circuit Rider Music

Lord I praise, I praise Your holy name
Be lifted high, high upon our praise

Jesus, the magnificent One
Father, Spirit, and Son we praise you

Drank the cup, You took the wrath for us
You spilled Your blood, the Father’s only Son

For me, they nailed You to a tree
Now I’ve been set free, I am free indeed

All glory and power belongs to the Son of God
All glory and power belongs to Him

It all belongs to Him

You’re the only God who could empty the grave
You’re the only God strong enough to save
You’re the only God who has all power

Christ and Christ Crucified
Lindy Cofer

The wages of my sin was death
You knew I couldn’t pay the debt
You paid it with your final breath

You took the wrath that I deserved
Your holy blood broke every curse
Your mercy had the final word

We sing Christ and Christ crucified
In You we’re raised from death to life
We sing Christ and Christ crucified

No sin is bigger than Your blood
No shame is stronger than Your love
You said it’s finished, it is done

Death couldn’t keep You in the ground
You rose in power and took hell down
That power’s living in us now

Death couldn’t hold You down
Hell couldn’t steal Your crown
Therе’s resurrection power
In Your Namе
In Your Name

Let all the earth cry out
Lift up a holy sound
Give all the glory now
To Jesus Name
Jesus Name

Because of Christ
The Belonging Co.
On a hill in Israel, mercy spoke for me
Mercy spoke for me, mercy spoke for me
It was on Golgotha’s tree His death brought liberty
His death brought liberty, oh, His death brought liberty

May I never boast in anything
Except the cross of Jesus Christ
May I not forget the blood He shed
It is by His death I am alive
Because of Christ, I am alive

What a humble sacrifice, love that washed me clean
Love that washed me clean, oh, love that washed mе clean
What a blessed mystеry, His punishment, my peace
His punishment, my peace, His punishment, my peace

May I never boast in anything
Except the cross of Jesus Christ
And may I not forget the blood He shed
It is by His death I am alive
Because of Christ, I am alive
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Praise the One who set me free
Death has lost its grip on me
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Jesus rose in victory
He’s alive, alive in me