Kasie Brennt, Olivia Stern, Zack Horst
Songs in this video:

O Taste and see that the Lord is good
O Taste and see that the Lord is good
O Taste and see that the Lord is good to me
You have turned my mourning into dancing
Put off my rags and clothed me with gladness
And I will arise and I will praise you
I’ll sing and not be silent
O Lord my God I will give thanks to you forever
O Lord my God I will give thanks to you forever

Come in quiet, come in close
Give Him reverence, give Him love
Lift Him up
Lift Him up
Let His fire fill your soul
Offer Him what matters most
Lift Him up
Lift Him up
Holy is the Lord Almighty
Sing the song that won’t grow old
Name that all of Heaven knows
Who was, and is, and is to come
We’ll lift Him up
Halle, hallelujah
You reign forevermore
Halle, halle, hallelujah

Let Your Glory fill this house
Let Your Presence fill my heart
Let each vessel offer unto You
A sacrifice of Praise
You alone are Holy
You alone are Worthy
You deserve the glory
Jesus You alone

There’s just one chief end to man’s purpose
One main reason for existence
All man’s vain and high ambitions
Will one day be brought low
Will one day be brought low
To treasure You above all others
To love You like we love no other
And Your greatness soon will be uncovered
And all the earth will then know
And all the earth will then know
For You alone will be exalted in that day
And worthless goals will be exposed as idols that we’ve made
For You alone will be exalted in that day
And You’ll be seen as rightful King and from our hearts, we’ll say!…
That all is for Your glory
And all is for Your name
And all is for Your glory
That in all things You may have first place
That in all things You may have preeminence
That all is for Your glory
And all is for Your name
And all is for Your glory
That in all things You may have first place
That in all things You may have preeminence
So put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me
And I’ll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty
Just put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me
And I’ll serve anywhere, just let me see Your beauty
So catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life!…
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life, for Your glory
Catch me up in Your story
All my life!…
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight
My God, my joy, my delight

In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise
In the morning when I rise
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus
When I am alone
When I am alone
Oh, when I am alone
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
When I come to die
When I come to die
Oh, when I come to die
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

We break our hearts open like oil overflowing
Falling at Your feet, giving everything
Come make our hearts tender
We yield and surrender
To the only one, You’re the only one
No one else, no one else
Deserves our worship
No one else, no one else
Deserves our praise
Jesus, You alonе are worthy
No one elsе deserves the glory
Oh, come cleanse this temple, purify Your people
Like a holy fire, on a sacrifice
Lord teach us repentance to honor Your presence
You’re the only one, You’re the only one
Tear down the idols
We want revival
Clean hands and pure hearts
We behold You
Come be the center
High priest forever
You tore the veil
So we could come through

I call You faithful
For the promises You’ve kept
And every need You’ve met
Lord, I’m so grateful
You were with me every step
And I never will forget
When I think of how You’ve blessed me
How Your hand has never let me go
Never let me go
You have been so good to me
God, I can’t believe how You love me
What a friend You have been
So good to me
God, I can’t believe how You love me
What a friend You have been
I call You Savior
For the blood that washed me clean
For the wrongs that You redeemed
I know You’re able
My eyes don’t have to see
One more reason to believe
When I think of how You’ve blessed me
How Your hand has never let me go
Never let me go
You have been so good to me
God, I can’t believe how You love me
What a friend You have been
So good to me
God, I can’t believe how You love me
What a friend You have been
For every morning
For every open door
I call You faithful
I just wanna thank You, Lord
For every mountain
For every time You brought me through
I call You faithful
I just wanna thank You, Lord
For Your forgiveness
For how You never turned away
I call You faithful
I just wanna thank You, Lord
For Your salvation
You paid the price I couldn’t pay
I call You faithful
I just wanna thank You, Lord

I wash my robes in the blood of the Lamb
I’m dead to sin made alive again
I wash my robes in the blood of the Lamb
Because I wanna be like Him

And I’ve got a river of living water
A fountain that never will run dry
It’s an open heaven You’re releasing
And we will never be denied
‘Cause we’re stirring up deep, deep wells
We’re stirring up deep, deep waters
We’re gonna dance in the river, dance in the river
‘Cause we’re stirring up deep, deep wells
We’re stirring up deep, deep waters
We’re gonna jump in the river, jump in the river
The deep cries out, the deep cries out to You
The deep cries out, the deep cries out to You
We cry out, and we cry out to You, You, Jesus
And I’ve got a river of living water
A fountain that never will run dry
It’s an open heaven You’re releasing
And we will never be denied
We’re falling into deeper waters, calling out to You
We’re walking into deeper waters, going after You
And if He goes to the left then we’ll go to the left
And if He goes to the right then we’ll go to the right
We’re gonna jump-jump, jump-jump, in the river
Jump-jump, jump-jump everybody