Continuing the series in Philippians, Chase Cofer explores the intersection of godly ambition and overcoming anxiety. Drawing from the examples of heroes of the faith, he highlights the importance of focusing on God’s vision amidst challenging circumstances. By discerning between godly and selfish ambition, we confront the prevalent issue of anxiety and discover the solution in rejoicing, prayer, and seeking more of Jesus. He invites us on this transformative journey toward peace, purpose, and fulfillment in God.
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- Kasie Brennt, Olivia Stern, Zack Horst
- Josh Brennt, Lindy Cofer, Olivia Stern
- Abby Williamson, Adrianna Wieser, Brad Owens
- Chloe Mack, Ethan Mizell, Lindy Cofer
- Eileen Ballew, Olivia Stern, Zach Webb
- Derek Mack
- Brian Williams
- Josh Brennt, Lindy Cofer, Nate Diaz
- Annalisa Wren, Chloe Mack, Zach Webb
- Adrianna Wieser, Chloe Mack, Laina Crouch