Chase Cofer • Derek Mack • Nick Brennt • Yasmin Pierce

Basics Build Leaders


1. What is Discipleship


Derek Mack focuses on the importance of discipleship. He emphasizes that the great sin of western Christianity is calling ourselves followers of Christ but not actually following Him. We are given Biblical examples of what it means to give Jesus a hungry “Yes” instead of a passive one, and we learn that when we say “No” to Jesus it affects the salvation and eternity of others around us. We are challenged to evaluate if comfort, excuses, offense, or entitlement is getting in the way of truly following Jesus.

2. Effective Prayer Life


Derek Mack speaks on the power of our prayers. We learn that Satan will try every strategy he can to keep us from praying because our effectiveness as Christians is directly related to our prayer lives. Derek emphasizes that bored prayer and religious prayer are both powerless but that prayer can be life-altering when we see it as communication with a friend. Derek uses the Biblical example of David to show us that the people who are the most intimate with God, take the most action.

3. Standing in the Gap for Others


Yasmin Pierce dives into the topic of intercession, focusing on what it means to stand in the gap for others. She speaks on what it looks like to love in a way where our hearts are moved to pray so radically on behalf of the people around us. We are invited to ask God for fresh revelation of the power that our prayer lives have to shift history.

4. Intercession – Jesus is our Example

01hr 05m

Satan wins if we pray disengaged, unbelieving and selfish prayers or when we diminish prayer to just a commandment that we are obligated to do. We learn that prayer is about believing the promises of God and reminding Jesus of them. We are challenged to to start from a place of strong desire and anguish for God and to pray like Jesus did on earth and still does in Heaven.

5. Persistence in Prayer


Prayer is an action of love and we need to not stop praying until we see breakthrough. We are given Biblical examples of persistent prayer and challenged to consider what we have personally given up on in prayer.

6. Spiritual Warfare


Nick Brennt speaks on what the Bible says about living amidst spiritual warfare. From Ephesians 6:12 we see that our enemy is not other people, rather a demonic force fueling evil. Nick highlights that Jesus’ time on Earth was spent not only spreading the Gospel and manifesting the nature of God, but also declaring war on the demonic and setting people free from the grasp of the Enemy. Nick encourages us in our authority in Jesus with practical ways we can boldly advance against the kingdom of darkness and exposes how Satan tries to gain jurisdiction in our lives.

7. Reading the Bible


Chase Cofer speaks on the importance of reading the Bible. We are reminded that the generation who didn’t believe and obey the living word of God didn’t get to enter the promised land. Chase encourages us that everything we need to walk out our callings can be found in the truth of God’s written Word. We are given an overview of the storyline of the Bible and practicals for overcoming 5 obstacles most people encounter when trying to read the Word.