Derek Mack • Ian Ross • Jonathan Stamper • Michael Pierce • Nick Brennt • Samuel Rodriguez • Yasmin Pierce

1 John


1. Zeal For Life


Derek Mack speaks on being a zealous Christian, preaching this week on zeal for eternal life. Derek emphasizes that Jesus never did anything out of boredom or religious obligation, so if we are bored, we aren’t dwelling on an accurate view of God. We learn that zeal keeps us from religious duty and empowers us to action. Derek defines Christianity as the experience of the life of God in your soul.

2. The Truth Is Light


Nick Brennt focuses on false doctrine. He emphasizes that false teaching distorts Jesus and His message. Nick tells us that the most dangerous lies are the ones that are partly true and that the enemy has been on a pathway of distorting who God is from the beginning. He highlights that grace is not a license to sin and if grace isn’t pulling us into truth then it isn’t the grace of Christ. We learn that sin blocks us in our fellowship with God and that God convicts us of our sin because he wants to be close to us.

3. How to Ask For Forgiveness


Jonathan Stamper focuses on how to ask for forgiveness. He shares that repentance is the key to revival and parallels the leper from Matthew 8 with our own need to be cleansed from unrighteousness. We are encouraged that not only can God cleanse us, but that he wants to

4. Love Not the World


Ian Ross talks about how loving the world can rob us of our intimacy with God. He breaks down how every sin is rooted in either the desires of our eyes, the lust of our flesh or the pride of life. Ian emphasizes that the pride of life means wanting the world to embrace us, but as Christians we can’t get along with the world while also living a life with zero compromise. We learn that the Word of God is our tool to fight against temptation.

5. Will You Carry?


Sammy Rodriguez speaking on Zeal to Love. He tells us that while Jesus tells us to cast our burdens onto him, he doesn’t say that we won’t have any burden at all. Sammy tells us that a normal part of Christian life is prayer and intercession, and carry a deep love for others.

6. Breaking Defeat


Michael and Yasmin Pierce preach on breaking out of our mindset of defeat. They highlight that Satan is trying to convince us there is still a battle, even though he has already been defeated by Jesus. We learn that the key to our breakthrough is knowing God and that the most important thing about us, is not what we do, it is what we believe about God.

7. The Evidence of A Christian


Derek Mack emphasizes that a Christian is known by the fruit of their life and that if we aren’t fighting to kill sin in our life, sin will ultimately kill us. Derek encourages us that discipleship is a process we do with God and that the Holy Spirit helps us in the battle of overcoming our sin.

8. God Is Love

01hr 07m

Nick Brennt shares a message about the love of God. He reminds us that God isn’t just loving, God is love. Nick talks about how the love of God has the ability to change, transform, empower and sustain and that were made so God could share His love with us. We are challenged to consider what we would be willing to do in order to encounter God’s love.