About This Course:
The need for men to rise up is greater than we have ever seen as fatherlessness, men’s suicide, and mental health, and more at an all-time high. Masculinity has been hijacked and redefined by the culture of the world in many ways. We believe that the need for us to take a bold stand on truth in what Biblical Masculinity, defined by the Scriptures, is, and the need for it in the world today, is more important than ever. We cannot sit back, we must take a stand, we must take responsibility, and we must take action as men. If we want to see revival, we must take a stand on truth and boldly call men to be exactly what God created them to be, Biblically Masculine Men.
Course Content:
- Why the Need
- King David
- A Man of Valor
- A Man of Action
- 3 Attributes of David
- Intimacy with God
- A Man Who Affects Culture